Apr 2, 2009 update on P71's 1983 Mazda RX-7 GSL

Opening round of SCCA SoloII

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Opening round of the Oregon Region SCCA SoloII competition was a few days ago (my updates are slow :P ) and results are out. I got a class win!!! Ok, ok, it was out of 2 cars and in the wet, but more telling is the overall results where Blinky the 26-year-old, 233,000 mile, never-rebuilt, naturally-aspirated 12A rotary got 42nd out of 105 on raw time. I did even better on PAX but I don’t understand PAX scoring for the life of me so I really don’t care. Anyways… I was very proud of my finish because on the last SCCA race I was in I finished in the 60’s overall out of 100+, most of which were the same guys and gals. I think I’m finally getting the hang of it!


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