Started on July 19 by Gzwg

2001 Opel Speedster

The Elises unknown Twin Brother. Handles like a Lotus, was built by Lotus, has an Engine that was developed by Lotus - but it’s an Opel. Bought it in May 21, in excellent Condition, and enjoy it as often as I can.

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Dec. 29, 2024, noon

I'd enjoy seeing more pix of your car. Frunk and engine cover open, doors open showing interior. I saw several when I lived in Belgium, but I live in the states now. I have a project that is similar to the Opel Roadster, I am making a 2006/7 Chevy Cobalt coupe into a mid engine configuration. (If the donor cars are cheap enough, gruesome experimentation is not as frightening.) I have two, #1 "prototype" and one to do right! I am still under $4000 into this project doing it myself. Unit #2 may benefit from professional chassis intervention. My post: 06 Chevy Cobalt engine swap, end to end This project IS as awful(messy/time consuming/research hungry/lots of creativity needed) as it sounds, but it's getting better. Second unit will be a breeze!

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