Jul 16, 2010 update on vangoughv's 1970 Triumph GT6+ (Brutus)

Interior Painted Ready for Cage

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Weekend plans were going down in flames Friday when I learned the place I hoped would bend my tubing couldn’t do it… It was a blessing in disguise. After many phone calls and worry I found a place in Barrie. The guy does a lot of cage and custom work. I drag the car down and what a great surprise, the owners are good family acquaintances. So the now I’m getting a top end cage build by a professional with seat mounts and the whole deal, he’s even trading my mild steel tube for 1.5 Chrome Alloy, integrating my seat into the frame and throwing in a window net. What’s even better, the whole job, materials and labor will be about $500 bucks, SWEET….


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