Started on Aug. 11 by Osterkraut

Other FZR600

The product of a trade for an e30, this bike dodged a deer and hit a Durango. It shall be reborn again as a semi-half-naked-streetfighter. Begin the motorcycling! Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrr burrrrrrrrrrrrr burrrrrrrrrrrrrr 12 Aug 08- Busted out the Simple Green and Engine Brite and removed several years worth of accumulated grease and grime. I’ve got to say, it’s regrettable that Simple Green leaves aluminum so oxidized, as it’s really, really good stuff. Cheap too! To make room for the cleaning, I removed the carbs. Sweet zombie Jesus, I hate carbs! The bowls or floats or whatever stay filled with gas, and then they leak out while I’m maneuvering it around, spilling on my shirt so I spend the rest of the wrenching episode killing what few braincells I’ve got left. Bleh. Anyway, the carb got cleaned out with Autozone’s generic carb cleaner. Didn’t have anything to get into the crevasses, though, so it’s not perfect. Did I mention I hate carbs? Must look into Mircosquirting (instantly doubling the price of the bike, though)! 17 Sept- Discovered a novel way to fix the crack in the tank plastic: Gorilla Glue. Because it foams, it was easy enough to sand the area around the crack, smear the glue all over the front and back, and let it expand. After some sanding flush, you can’t even tell it’s there! Damn I’m one smart cookie. Not as smart as I’d like to be, however; painting the tank plastic was a SNAFU. Let’s just say my first attempt rollering Rustoleum wasn’t a success. It now needs a ton of sanding and several more coats. 8-9 Nov- First real weekend of work on it, now that the Challenge is over. Several things done: Remove front forks: turns out the right one is slightly bent. Joy. Hopefully I can massage it straight… Painted and (mostly) assembled the Buell Blast headlight and flyscreen. Folks, this flyscreen is going to look RIDICULOUS. Pictures later. The whole setup is unfortunately awaiting some screws. Removed the clipons and throttle cables, as I’m going to try to mount them higher and flipped around. I don’t have a hex wrench large enough to get the bar-ends off, so I’m stalled there. Went ahead and eBayed a set of throttle cables. Removed, cleaned, and painted exhaust. We’ll see how well the black BBQ grill paint holds up. Ordered the Trailtech Vapor dash. Hey, I needed a new dash, and it was less than $200. I like cool toys!

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Aug. 11, 2008, 7:08 p.m.

My first bike was a '93 FZR600. That thing was a lot of fun. Good luck with the resto-modification.

Aug. 27, 2008, 5:34 a.m.

streetfighters rule! Join the rest of the crazies @:

April 16, 2009, 3:22 a.m.

Hey! It's been too long since you've worked on your motorcycle!

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