Started on Feb. 14 by m4ff3w

1984 Maserati Biturbo


Purchased on 2.14.11 after stalking this car through two owners over the course of 2.5 years.

Latest updates
Jan. 30

Finally, purchasing 2.8l FI engine. It’ll be running megasquirt & water cooled turbos soon, along …

March 21
uh oh.. ouch

Bent valves, oh no! Somehow the a/c belt (a/c works friggen awesome) wound up behind …

March 06

I got the K&N air filters on, they are currently pulling hot air from the …

Feb. 25
getting there...

I’ve put about 500 miles on her since Tuesday morning. I went up to Ft …

Feb. 19
vac system

Vacuum system is happy now. I removed all the emissions equipment - it was all …

Feb. 19
some progress

It is raining this morning, though pretty light. I cleaned the topside of the engine …

Feb. 19
parts are here!

I got the parts from MIE yesterday, sadly the clutch slave was defective. It wouldn’t …

Feb. 19

On the way are: Clutch Slave Cylinder Plenum gaskets Weber 36 DCNVH rebuild kit Coolant …

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Feb. 14, 2011, 9:41 p.m.

Voted up. Do you also adopt crack babies? Have fun. +1 for San Antonio.

Feb. 14, 2011, 9:46 p.m.

Ha, thanks. My kids occasionally act like crack babies, does that count?

Feb. 25, 2011, 11:18 a.m.

I've put about 500 miles on her since Tuesday morning. I went up to Ft Hood on Wednesday for work. There was a horrible stumble around atmospheric pressure. High idle and boost were both OK. With the assistance of Adam I put in new plugs @ San Marcos, but that did not resolve the issue. It helped some, but did not resolve. Then Jonny gave me a MSD Blaster 2 and that seemed to help some but did not resolve the issue either. Yesterday, I went out and checked the pressure pods on the distributor as the suggestion of a member of the Yahoo BiturboZentrum group. The diaphragms did not leak and they did actuate. On the way home, I was surprised that the stumble is gone. I think the advance mechanism was jammed. I also believe I have identified the reason for low boost, the AMAL valve leaks internally.

Jan. 18, 2012, 10:30 a.m.

You are a brave man. Did you throw a timing belt?

Jan. 29, 2012, 7:44 p.m.

Finally, purchasing 2.8l FI engine. It'll be running megasquirt & water cooled turbos soon, along with intercoolers. The 2.8 was rated for 250hp w/out cats.

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