Started on March 15 by crisd

1986 Isuzu Truck

correction…. the Mitsu truck was sold, the Isuzu truck was used.

Latest updates
July 11
Roll Bar bends

…. damnit,,, I didn’t get the bends perfect… grrrr

July 11
channeled body

low low low

July 11
body work done

Channeled the floor and dropped the cab 2”. This baby is lowww.

May 22
Runion's recycle day jackpot

This past Sunday I went to Runion’s “all you can carry” day for $20. I …

March 15
rear clip

correction… FRONT of Buick clip mounted in the REAR of the ISUZU = mid-engined truck.

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March 20, 2011, 9:55 a.m.

sure that's not an isuzu?

March 25, 2011, 10:02 p.m.

Orginally a POS found in the back of a Rocket Auto Parts store along with a bunch of other junk cars and parts including a Ford 351W engine block, a jag front suspension, and a couple of radiators. We haul the whole pile back to house for $150. Sweet :-)

March 25, 2011, 10:07 p.m.

Smithy, yup... the project sat dorment for two years, I had to go look at the title to refresh my memory.

June 19, 2017, 9:13 p.m.

Back from the dead... almost complete now. (2017)

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