Aug 21, 2011 update on GearBanger's 1906 Eagle asdf

The Vapors

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Of course the combination of attempting to drive a car that’s been off the road for over a decade and on the hottest day of the year was a distaster in the making.

Vapor lock would not allow the car to start and from the gushing transmission fluid was a mixed blessing. I didn’t fry the tranny and wind up getting killed in the process.

I was smart enough to buy a AAA plus membership and was towed to my neighborhood repair shop to find out what the source of the leak would be from.

The tow truck ride was like rolling in a mobile sweat lodge. There was no a/c and bumper to bumper traffic with the temperature boiling over at 102. At least I got to find my spirit guide during the heat induced coma was a wolf. yeah me.

Lets see what the diagnosis will be.


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