Oct 27, 2011 update on Rally43's 1984 Volkswagen Rabbit GTI ( Ex Neuspeed Cup Car )

Rally Wabbit

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In typical rally fashion we worked on car prep until the night before we were to leave for the Lake Superior Performance Rally in Michigans Upper Peninsula and still were adding items at first light. Trailered the car to houghton the next morning and finished the car in the hotel parking lot ( Hey its Rally !) We ran Medical Sweep ( AKA Fast Sweep ) with the car . Our job is to follow the last car on course and provide medical help if there is an instance with a fixed object.. The rally started on Friday at 2pm and the rally was greeted with torrential downpours the first day which made for very mud soaked roads. On one stage it was like driving in a blizzard with 1 foot trenches in the road. You could let go of your steering wheel through most of the course. Day 2 was partially sunny and much faster. 40 Cars started this historic event and only 17 finished. Typing Meanest , Toughest Oldest rally race in north america.


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