Feb 27, 2009 update on ansonivan's 1988 Volkswagen Scirocco

Harness bar stand offs

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I’m in the process of installing a firewall in the car, this has been high on my to-do list after I experienced the joy of a 200 degree ethylene glycol shower while traveling at 85mph.

The plan is to bolt in an aluminum bulkhead directly behind the seats, this will follow the roll bar up to the roof. At this time I will not install a window in the bulkhead for three simple reasons:

  1. It requires more effort than I want to put forth right now
  2. lexan is expensive and scratches easily
  3. What is behind me is not important!

I completed the steel framework for the bulkhead today and installed a set of stand-off harness bars which will allow clearance between the aluminum lifesaver and the harnii.


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