Oct 14, 2013 update on Roland444's 1971 Ford Pinto

LSD Prep

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Had some free time today, so I rehabbed the D4ZZ Ford Equalock Diff that I’ve had on my shelf since I bought the Pinto. It’s Ford’s OEM LSD for the 6 3/4” rear axle & I was lucky enough back then to get one that was new in the factory box. But it also came with more than a bit of surface rust and corrosion as it’d been wrapped in wax paper in that box for over 40 years (!)

It will eventually get installed down the road, but for now I just wanted to get it cleaned & greased so I could store it without worrying about more surface rust. Used some Loctite Naval Jelly, steel wool & wire brushes and after about an hour got it looking pretty good. After a swipe with a damp rag, I spritzed it with some brake cleaner, wiped it down & coated all the surfaces with some grease, then bagged it with a ZeRust capsule and boxed it up. Small effort for some peace of mind. Also managed to find a great Car Craft article outlining the installation so we should be set when the time comes….


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