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dextervw's Garage

Aug 23, 2016
1995 Volkswagen TDI GTI Rally Car

This is the culmination of 9 years of hard graft, a divorce, two cross country moves, 2 daughters, and quite a few work places. thanks to a large smattering of help from friends and parts from various suppliers she’s running …

Aug 17, 2021
Volkswagen Rabbit GTI

Ex-Rally Car turned entry level motorsports machine (hillclimb, autox, rallyx etc…)

Aug 17, 2021
Volkswagen Golf Sport

A rallyxer with a future on the stage. Basically stock with a few rally bolt ons for that “right” look. Current mods: hella dual rounds, light rack, thule basket and shine real street suspension Future mods: lower millage aba motor …

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