This Facebook Marketplace listing could be the easy button for kick-starting your racing career.
We recently had the chance to see Code 35 in action at a recent Champcar race at Daytona.
Skip the April 1st shenanigans and come hang out with us at the Hawk Performance Daytona 14-Hour this weekend.
Want to work behind the scenes at ChampCar? The endurance racing series is looking to add members to its Technical Advisory Committee.
Our V6 Miata is still undergoing metamorphosis, so instead of running it at ChampCar’s RVE Graphics & Wraps Daytona Beach 14-Hour, we showed up to the race with camera in hand.
Long-distance racing at a famed track like Daytona? Today’s endurance scene can make that happen.
The allure of today’s endurance racing resurgence? The ability to team up with some buddies and race something that’s perhaps a little unusual, like a ’70s Alfa Romeo sedan.
This group seeks to address a problem that plagues many vets and first responders.
In addition to Formula SAE, the University of Georgia motorsports club also runs in something a bit more wheel-to-wheel: ChampCar.