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Coming Soon News

WRX tS: Has Subaru made an STI replacement? Subscribe to find out.

Just how capable is the Subaru WRX tS on track? Find out in our April issue, available first to subscribers.

How do you improve an ND transmission? Subscribe to find out.

What does it take to make an ND Miata's transmission stronger? Find out in our April issue, available first to subscribers.

Making your racing effort safer by observing the pros | Coming Soon

Not sure how to make your track machine safer? Just look at how a pro team like FCP Euro's IMSA effort does safety.

Put down the angle grinder and learn how to machine parts at home | Coming Soon

Think you need a machine shop and an engineering degree to make precision parts at home? Think again.

How to Turn Raw Data Into Speed | Coming Soon to an Issue Near You

Translating all those squiggles into speed.

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