diesel articles, project cars, conversations, and more

diesel News

You need this: A Techno Violet, turbo-diesel BMW 5 Series wagon

This BMW 5 Series Touring has something for just about everyone: Techno Violet paint, turbo-diesel power and even a genuine 5-speed gearbox.

In clouds of black diesel smoke, some controversy | When enthusiasts don’t play well with locals

Steven Cole Smith reports on the chaos that was the Daytona Truck Meet.

Someone Here Needs This Turbo Diesel VW Rabbit

This Rabbit just might check all the right boxes for a certified Radwood contender. And did we mention it's a diesel?

Rate It: Is the Alpina D3 S Touring the Fast BMW Diesel Wagon of Your Dreams?

Fast diesel wagons like the Alpina D3 S may be forbidden fruit in this part of the world, but they are very much alive and well in Europe

Rate It: The Mitsubishi Concept-RA was a Diesel-Powered Coupe with Recyclable Body Panels.

The diesel renaissance may be waning nowadays, but back in the early 2000s, it was only just the beginning. Case in point, the Mitsubishi Concept-RA.

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diesel Forum Topics

The CHZ-WGN: 1983 Mercedes Benz 300TD-T
OK, I didn't know this was a thing
Mercedes W116 300SD "Planet Express" ownership/build log
2002 International 4300 - DT466E, 6Spd Manual - $8000 - Southfield, MI - Mine, Completely Affiliated
Ambulance RV Project that got away - Time to slap it back together to sell
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diesel Readers' Rides

Oct 05, 2019 by Lee
1989 None W250 (Bender)

Meet Bender the W250 Farm Truck. Much like the Futurama anti-hero, our truck Bender is loud, gruff, smokes, is gray-ish, loves show tunes (obviously), isn't too fond of magnets, and …

Jul 13, 2020 by Young_olds
1981 Oldsmobile Custom cruiser

Was originally a diesel, now has olds 350

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