DIY articles, project cars, conversations, and more

DIY News

How to fabricate your own welder tool tray

Miller Real Garage host, Andy Weyenberg, explains how to weld a tool tray for the top of your welder–and what you need to complete it.

How to fabricate your own elephant wheel stands

If your lift is occupied or you don’t have one, learn how to make elephant stands. These taller wheel stands not only look like circus elephant stands but they'll support and keep your vehicle elevated for you to work on.

This Toyota Tercel features home-brewed turbo power | Your Projects

Meet Earl, just one of the Toyota Tercels Malibuguy has collected.

Can't wait for you own Civic Type R? Built it today (from paper).

Does building a papercraft model of the new Civic Type R count as working on a project car?

Learning how to fix rust–by diving in headfirst | Your Projects

Like learning with your hands? So does BlueInGreen - Jon, who just acquired a 1969 Toyota Corona to learn more about rust repair, carburetors and cars built before the ’80s.

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DIY articles

Electronics & Electrical Systems: How to wire a car from scratch

Wiring a car from scratch doesn’t have to be a daunting project.

Shop Work: How we got a parts washer for less than $45

Spending hundreds of dollars on a new parts washer? We built one for less than $45.

Shop Work: 8 secrets to bending and flaring pro-quality brake lines

Scared of tackling brake plumbing? With these tricks and the right tools, you can bend lines like a pro.

Shop Work: How to build a chassis from scratch

How to turn those two-dimensional sections into a full three-dimension chassis.

Shop Work: Weld better in 11 easy steps

Here are a few tips for making sound welds–you know, the glue that keeps your project intact.

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