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Driving News

Have any driving tips for people visiting your hometown?

Sometimes, it's the unwritten rules of the road that make or break traveling by car.

Tonight: Learn how to go faster on track with HP Academy | Free Webinar

You might be fast on track, but here's how you could be even faster.

How to further reduce lap times with HP Academy | Free Webinar

Looking for faster laps? Here's what you might be overlooking.

Discover rookie driving mistakes that could be slowing you down on track | Free Webinar with HP Academy

Don't let amateur mistakes keep slowing you down on track. Here's how to fix them for good.

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Driving articles

Columns: You can’t convince me that I-4 isn’t the worst road ever

In the ranking of the worst roads ever, I-4 deserves a spot very near the top–if not the top spot.

Columns: I'm tired of stopping for gas

Is there a better option than emptying my gas tank just to run a few errands? Or is stopping for gas just a fact of life?

Columns: How to make driving better? Make it about "us" instead of "me."

Is teamwork the secret to making your commute suck less?

Features: How to go quicker–not just faster–on track

Is there a difference between driving faster and driving quicker? According to racing guru E. Paul Dickinson, the answer is yes.

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