Did you know we're in the middle of restoring a one-of-30 Elva Mk VI–that's also a long-lost Sebring 12-Hour entry?
Is it finally time to pay more attention to the blinking yellow signs and slow down?
This was going to be tough. We had no original parts to copy. We had no shop manual. We had no diagrams.
What we did have was a whole bunch …
We needed parts.
We couldn’t find those parts.
Fine, we figured, we’ll make those parts ourselves.
Our Elva project needed some crucial components to mate its engine to …
Our next task for our Elva Mk VI sports racer was to run brake lines. Before we could do that, however, we would need to hang the front suspension. …
From looking at old pictures, we knew our Elva Mk VI sports racer would have had an oil cooler. We could even see the remains of an oil cooler mounted …
The cooling system of our Elva Mk VI sports racer perhaps served as our biggest mystery. Until just recently, we couldn’t find any photos showing how the maze …
in my dreams