F-150 Lightning articles, project cars, conversations, and more

F-150 Lightning News

Ford’s EV "SuperTruck" wins 2024 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

Even after a nearly 30-second stop during its run, the Ford F-150 Lightning SuperTruck still managed to win the Broadmoor Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, brought to you by Gran Turismo.

Ride the Lightning: How well does the Ford F-150 Lightning tow? | Live thread

Sure, the F-150 Lightning works well as "normal truck," but can it tow like one, too?

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F-150 Lightning articles

News and Notes: What you want to know: We tested a Ford F-150 Lightning hauling a trailer

Can an EV truck tow as well–or even better–than a gas or diesel-powered tow rig?

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F-150 Lightning project car updates

Can an F-150 Lightning really road trip?

We've spent nearly a year and nearly 20,000 miles driving our electric Ford F-150 Lightning, an experience we've documented in real-time on our Builds and Projects …

Ford F-150 Lightning: Truck of the future? We bought one to find out

Just how bad of an idea is buying and living with an electric truck? We bought one for ourselves to find out–you know, for science.

More specifically, back in June …

F-150 Lightning Forum Topics

Is an Electric Pickup Truck A Terrible Idea? (My 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning Build Thread)
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