Fabrication articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Fabrication News

Read it first: How to fabricate your own brackets with a hammerform

Be among the first to learn how to fabricate your own brackets using a simple hammerform.

How to fabricate your own welder tool tray

Miller Real Garage host, Andy Weyenberg, explains how to weld a tool tray for the top of your welder–and what you need to complete it.

How to fabricate your own elephant wheel stands

If your lift is occupied or you don’t have one, learn how to make elephant stands. These taller wheel stands not only look like circus elephant stands but they'll support and keep your vehicle elevated for you to work on.

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Fabrication articles

Shop Work: How to build a chassis from scratch

How to turn those two-dimensional sections into a full three-dimension chassis.

Shop Work: Weld better in 11 easy steps

Here are a few tips for making sound welds–you know, the glue that keeps your project intact.

Features: How to make a Porsche Boxster into a street-legal kart

Somewhere beneath all that custom fab work and blue paint lies the heart of a Boxster.

Shop Work: What materials are best to fabricate something from scratch?

For many enthusiasts, a car is never just a car—it’s a four-wheeled heap of possibilities.

Suspension & Handling: How to build an anti-roll bar bracket with common tools

Only basic tools were needed to fabricate this aluminum anti-roll bar bracket: Just a band saw, drill press and belt sander. Easy.

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Fabrication project car updates

Fabricating upper seat mounts for our Elva’s passenger seat

We now needed a mount for our Elva’s passenger seat. Unfortunately, we don’t know what the original one looked like.

[Fabricating an Elva passenger seat–by replicating the …

How to make historically accurate mounts on our frame

While we will need to add a few brackets for the battery mount and fire system, we had one last major frame project to finish during this stage of our …

Building an exhaust fit for a (Mustang) race car

Race car exhaust systems are usually pretty simple. To assist fabbing up an exhaust for our 1965 Ford Mustang race car, we went to Travis at

How to build an engine cradle from air? | Project Elva sports racer

Most of the mounts and brackets that had anything to do with locating our Elva Mk VI sport racer’s drivetrain were broken or missing. Presumably the reason for this reign …

Fabrication Forum Topics

Going in Circles- Causin Havoc goes oval Racing - Thunderbird Content
Icengineworks Basic Header Modeling Set For Sale
[Project Car Videos] Stout Metalcraft Formally Known as Khaos Designs
a Lancia Scorpion and its not going to just be restored... its going to race Rallycross.
Budget tubing bender build
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