fuel articles, project cars, conversations, and more

fuel News

Is fuel from a hurricane-affected gas station safe?

What prevents water contamination at a gas station after a hurricane or a big storm? As it turns out, there are several safety systems in place.

Have your fuel questions answered in real time

Sunoco's Zachary J. Santner will be at PRI to answer questions about–you guessed it–gasoline.

Can you blend fuels to get the right mix of octane?

An alternative to shopping for a specifc octane fuel? Why not just mix two together to get the right mix?

Is Avgas a Good Alternative to Ethanol-Free Gas?

Should you put avgas in your car?

More fuel News

fuel articles

News and Notes: Just how fresh is that fuel, anyway?

Wondering if the date marked on those pails and drums is really how old the fuel is? Curious how long gas stays fresh? We ask Sunoco to find out.

News and Notes: What's up with midgrade gas?

If 87 and 90 are enough for most cars, why does midgrade gasoline exist?

Columns: I'm tired of stopping for gas

Is there a better option than emptying my gas tank just to run a few errands? Or is stopping for gas just a fact of life?

Shop Work: E85 Ethanol Fuel: How to Corn Your Way to More Horsepower

Switching from gasoline to E85 ethanol is technically challenging, right? Especially on a modern car?

News and Notes: The best fuel to feed a rotary engine?

Considering how unique the rotary engine is, we reached out to see which fuel is best for getting the most power and longevity out the engine.

More fuel Articles

fuel project car updates

How to choose the right fuel for a race engine?

Our Mustang is so close to starting that we can taste it. But before we could fire it up, we needed something: fuel.

We turned to the

fuel Forum Topics

Securing Baffles In A Plastic Fuel Tank
Fuel tank bulkhead connectors
Learn me replacement fuel lines for really obscure car (flare types questions)
Let's talk about FUEL! e85, pump gas, race fuel.
Help me improve this fuel system
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