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$2000 Challenge registration now open; GRM+ members get discounts

Sign up now for the $2000 Challenge! GRM+ members get discounted registration.

GRM+ members get discounted $2000 Challenge entry, starting this Friday

The latest perk we're adding to GRM+ membership? How does a discounted price to enter our annual $2000 Challenge sound?

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GRM+ articles

Shop Work: How to make the move to an aftermarket ECU

When you’ve gone a bit custom, you might well benefit from a standalone ECU.

Shop Work: How to bulletproof a Chevy C5 Corvette for track duty

Not sure how to best prepare a car for track duty? Here's all the work we've put into our C5 Corvette project car since we first got it.

Shop Work: 5 questions to ask yourself before switching to a standalone ECU

Think it’s time to control your car with a laptop? First, a few questions to ask.

Tires & Wheels: Maxxis Victra VR-1: Proof that fast tires can also be quiet?

Why do some tires–like 200tw tires–make more noise on the road than others? We ask a tire expert to find out.

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