Holley articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Holley News

Holley LS Fest, MoParty and Ford Festival dates set for 2024

If you love American power and/or cars, Holley has a festival for you in 2024.

Holley LS Fest East: Proof that the LS V8 is here to stay?

The 2023 Holley LS Fest East brought together some of the greatest LS- and current-gen LT-powered machines from across the country to Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Now open: Registration for Holley LS Fest East 2023

Don't miss out on one of the most expansive celebrations of the LS V8 on the calendar.

Mark your calendar: Holley LS Fest, Moparty, Ford Festival & more

If you’re a fan of LS-powered cars, Mopars or Fords, save these dates.

SCCA Foundation delivers over 180 loaner helmets to regions in 2022

The SCCA Foundation's Loaner Helmet grant has helped to deliver 185 helmets to 20 SCCA regions.

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Holley project car updates

How we chose the carburetor for our Shelby GT350

When we first built our Shelby GT350, Holley asked us if we would try their new racing carburetor. This HP series carb seemed pretty perfect …

What you need to know about the Racepak IQ3 Logger Dash: Our experience

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During our low-dollar interior refresh, we installed some high-dollar electronics: Racepak IQ3 Logger Dash, SmartWire Power Control …

Carburetor and air cleaner: How we found the fantastic fit

When we purchased our used race engine from Cobra Automotive, it did not include one crucial piece–the carburetor.

We talked to our friends at Holley and they recommended their …

How to wire a race car | Project vintage race Mustang

Now to tie together our Mustang’s electrical system and wire up the car.

We started with a Bare Bonz Race wiring kit from Ron Francis …

Holley Forum Topics

LS Fest Texas - Anyone going?
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