Shop Work articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Shop Work News

What’s your favorite memory of working on someone else’s car?

Working on someone else's project offers plenty of memorable moments. What's one of yours?

What is the most valuable tool you own?

Whether it's monetary, sentimental or some other reason, what's the most valuable tool you own?

You can only make one modification to your next car, what are you upgrading?

What's harder than deciding how to spend that million? How about deciding on one modification to make to the car?

How to fix fiberglass

Have some fiberglass that needs fixing? Here are a few web items that should help with the repairs.

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Shop Work articles

Shop Work: Sorting a project: The final step between good enough and perfect

While this nearly finished 2008 Honda Civic Si looked great, it still had some minor issues we needed to address during the sorting phase.

Shop Work: How to make the move to an aftermarket ECU

When you’ve gone a bit custom, you might well benefit from a standalone ECU.

Shop Work: Should you upgrade your clutch?

How well your car performs–and how nicely it drives–can often depend upon your clutch. Here's how to tell if it's time for an upgrade.

Shop Work: How to best join aluminum: Fasteners, brazing, soldering or welding?

What's the best way to join two pieces of aluminum? It often depends on the situation.

Shop Work: 8 secrets to bending and flaring pro-quality brake lines

Scared of tackling brake plumbing? With these tricks and the right tools, you can bend lines like a pro.

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