Vintage Race Car articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Vintage Race Car News

You need this: Race-ready Datsun 1200

Prepped to compete in SCCA GT4, GT5 and C Sedan classes, this Datsun 1200 features race history dating back to the early 1970s.

You Need This: Renault Alliance Showroom Stock race car

When was the last time you saw a Renault Alliance on the road, let alone as a race car?

Watch us turn this pile of parts into a rare vintage racer

Did you know we're in the middle of restoring a one-of-30 Elva Mk VI–that's also a long-lost Sebring 12-Hour entry?

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Vintage Race Car articles

Columns: Does racing history make a car more or less valuable?

Does racing history always equal more value? Or is there more to the equation than simply time on track?

Features: How to assemble a race-ready drivetrain

Assembling a drivetrain for a race car? Here's when you can save a few bucks–and when you shouldn't.

Features: Tips for stitching together a track-ready, bulletproof rear end

Items left on our Mustang’s to-do list: Source a rear axle and properly suspend it.

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Vintage Race Car project car updates

How to fabricate brake lines for a vintage race car

This was going to be tough. We had no original parts to copy. We had no shop manual. We had no diagrams. 

What we did have was a whole bunch …

This is how you fabricate no-longer-available parts

We needed parts.

We couldn’t find those parts.

Fine, we figured, we’ll make those parts ourselves. 

Our Elva project needed some crucial components to mate its engine to …

What you discover when refitting suspension to an old race car

Our next task for our Elva Mk VI sports racer was to run brake lines. Before we could do that, however, we would need to hang the front suspension. …

How to recreate the plumbing for our cooling system

The cooling system of our Elva Mk VI sports racer perhaps served as our biggest mystery. Until just recently, we couldn’t find any photos showing how the maze …

Determining the ideal place to mount our Elva's kill switch

Back in the day, race cars didn’t have kill switches that would instantly disable a car’s electrical system. Today, though, virtually every sanctioning body mandates these switches.

While at the …

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Don Yenkos Chevy X-11. Tribute Build
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