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fire , Safety , Fire Extinguisher
How to pick the right fire extinguisher for your car

You might already know the importance of keeping an extinguisher in your car, but do you have the right one?

Safety Gear | Safety | FCP Euro | Coming Soon
Making your racing effort safer by observing the pros | Coming Soon

Not sure how to make your track machine safer? Just look at how a pro team like FCP Euro's IMSA effort does safety.

Colin Wood
brakes | Safety
Just because your car is old, doesn’t mean its brakes should suck

Older cars are fun to drive for a number of reasons, but poor braking performance shouldn't be one of them.

Colin Wood
How To Make an Older Car Safer

As technology improves, newer cars become safer and safer, but that doesn’t mean that older cars can be made a least a little bit safer.

Colin Wood
Volvo | Safety | Accident Reasearch Team
Volvo Celebrates 50 Years of Its CSI-esque Accident Research Team

Volvo's Accident Research Team is a lot like a CSI team, but instead of making bad puns and solving crime, they work to make Volvo even safer.

Colin Wood
Tim Suddard
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