Started on Aug. 8 by T.J.

1975 BMW 2002

Other than a Weber conversion and the wheels this car is pretty much stock. It may actually be a 75k mile car - doubtful, but there is little wear on the interior and as far as I can tell it seems original. Need to fix a couple electrical gremlins - the wipers only move at glacial speed, and the temp gage flutters around. Planning on turning this into my Daily Driver - biggest downside is no AC.

Latest updates
Aug. 04
Need to get off my butt

Car is still on jackstands in the garage where it has been since October 2010. …

March 29
Almost back on the road

I’m still in the middle of my Megasquirt project. I have the newly machined head …

Oct. 18
Gathering parts for EFI

I have been gathering parts to convert from a downdraft Weber to Megasquirt controlled EFI. …

Nov. 21
Thanksgiving update

Since I’ve had the car, I’ve put on new tires in a better size. Now …

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Sept. 6, 2009, 9:25 p.m.

The A/C is overrated. Enjoy the fun with the windows down ;-)

Sept. 7, 2009, 2:37 p.m.

Looking forward to fall/winter so it will be more comfortable to drive. Alabama summers can be hot and humid - I don't mind sweating, but don't want to be all sweaty at work.

Dec. 1, 2009, 6:47 p.m.

Looks even better in person. Especially with 2 the same color. I was on the Turkey Run with you. My Opel GT doesn't have AC either. We'll sweat it out. At least yours has a sunroof.

March 31, 2010, 7:23 a.m.

I'm now up and running with a Megajolt fully programable electronic ignition. The initial advance curve I am using is based fairly closely on the original factory advance curve. I will continue to do a little tweaking, but it idles better and seems to be more responsive than with the worn out points and old distributor. Still have to get the tach to function - haven't tried yet, but I am all ready and am fairly sure I've got the way ahead figured out. Also fixed the oil leaks from the exhaust manifold studs. Why exhaust manifold studs penetrate to the inside of the head where the oil is being circulated I'll never know. There might be a good reason, but I suspect it was made that way for ease of manufacturing.

April 22, 2010, 10:37 a.m.

My tach is again functional, my oil leaks are fixed. My wife still does not to ride in the car because it smells like gas and exhaust fumes. I think that's a green light to megasquirt it.

Jan. 8, 2011, 9:22 p.m.

I think you're right to look toward mega squirt. Of the four 02s I've owned, I have by far prefered the tii and my current m20 powered car (with stock Motronic) to the carbed cars.

Oct. 16, 2011, 7:41 p.m.

Sold the car.

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