Started on Dec. 7 by ClemSparks

Toyota Corolla


This ‘82 wagon looks rough, but it’s great daily, dependable transportation. I just put the Celica wheels on it with some 195/60r14 tires recently and decided it was worthy of a spot here (even though it’s very dirty…). It’s a 3TC and 5 speed. Great for hauling kids, parts…you name it.

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Dec. 7, 2008, 6:18 p.m.

AWSOME. and a 5 speed.

Dec. 7, 2008, 6:46 p.m.

Absolutely worth a spot. Cool.

Dec. 9, 2008, 10:56 a.m.

I originally bought this car thinking it would be a good drivetrain donor for an '83 Corolla 4 door I have. However, this car was still to solid to start dismantling...and the rest is history...I've been driving it for the last two+ years and it has paid for itself several times with corporate mileage reimbursements!

Dec. 10, 2008, 1:56 a.m.

Looks excellent with those wheels. I've always wanted to drop a 4AGE into one of these.

Dec. 23, 2008, 10:26 p.m.

Great ride.. I've always admired the 3TC and its potential.. i was considering a 80-83 Corolla as my project car, just couldn't find a clean one. I luv wagons and this model was my first love.

Feb. 19, 2009, 9:30 p.m.

Dude, if you're selling this thing, let me know. It's just what I'm looking for, and I'm not too keen on going to the left coast for one of these.

March 15, 2009, 12:20 a.m.

Sweet wagon, and the wheels are mint! Voted up.

April 8, 2009, 11:13 p.m.

Rolla wagons rock dude! I've owned nothin but since my very first one, which was my very first car, a 1977 corolla deluxe with a 3 spd automatic and a 2TC. 2TC's and 3TC's are the very strongest toughest 4 cyl engines I've ever seen. Everyone I've ever owned has been turbo'ed to 200+hp. Swapped out 4A to 4AGELU(450HP) in my 1981 Rolla coupe, with supra brakes, rear end and struts (konis) It had the exact same wheels. My 1976, same as my birthday, named Colonel mustard, cause of the color, had a full celica GT suspension. I now own a 1994 wagon, thinking 3SGTE, hmmm.

June 29, 2011, 9:24 a.m.

This car is now sitting. I had a little rear-ender in it (so the grill, hood, radiator support, headlights, etc. are crunched). This will soon be a field racing car. Parts could be available...

Nov. 14, 2011, 5:42 p.m.

exactly like my first car. voted up out of pure nostalgia.

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