How to make towing suck less? What if your tow rig could drive itself? Chevy invited us to test out how Super Cruise performs when towing.
Passenger car tires might work well for most truck owners, but if you are towing often, you should upgrade to actual truck tires.
What can go wrong when towing improperly? Back in 2015, we attempted to find out by committing eight common towing sins.
Shopping for a new trailer? Here are a few things we'd recommend you look for after all the years of towing we've done.
Can an EV truck tow as well–or even better–than a gas or diesel-powered tow rig?
If you’re serious about motorsports, there’s a piece of equipment you’re eventually going to need: a trailer.
Learn to tow correctly with our guide from the March/April 1990 Issue of Grassroots Motorsports.
We spoke with Hawk Performance's Edwin Mangune about the origin of Hawk and his recommendations for pads.