Perry Bennett is normally found behind the camera at an SCCA autocross, but, after 10 years, he decided to get back out on the autocross course.
Here’s how we mated two totally different wiring harnesses to make one functioning car–and how you can do it, too.
We didn't know what to expect when we entered our Gambler 500-spec Miata into a local SCCA rallycross, but we were more than happy with our results.
Brian Redman has seemingly driven every sort of race car–except a Spec Miata. So, in the name of science, we compare the humble racer compare to the legendary Porsche 962.
The Gambler 500 summed up in one photo: playing with wacky cars in the mud.
Wind tunnel development? How about cardboard development instead?
Looking for a roadster? Here's a comparison featuring the Honda S2000, Porsche Boxster, Mazda Miata and BMW Z3.